Sunday, November 30, 2014

Spreading Influenster Love....

If you have been reading this blog for a while you should know I am a member of, which is in its' own the best thing I have found out since 2012. But being a member is not the only thing I love about the company and family of Influenster. They have grown so much over the few years that I have been a member that I am proud to do what I can to help them grow and spread the love. So let me walk you through some of my favorites and loves of this new and improved site.

First thing that everyone is geeked to get in the mail or email is the VoxBoxes that contain anything from items to eat or drink to others items that you can pamper yourself with. I cannot really pick a favorite VoxBox I have gotten because I always find something in the next one that makes me love it more or that I just cannot believe I got. However, I can never hate getting the VoxBoxes that contain Health and Beauty products and a sweet treat. I know some of you are wondering how it works? I have to say it takes a little work you keep your points on different categories and if there is a upcoming VoxBox you get an email answer a questionarie and if you match with the requirements the will email you back letting you know if or when to expect that package. However, The new Vox is the Virtual VoxBox that is mainly task to do online through your social media to spread the word about different popular products or new enhancements done to a site that they want more to know about is there. But Influenster does not just start and stop at the VoxBoxes.

A new feature on Influenster is the VoxPerks. They are rewarded and shared to those of
influenster that are influential on and off the site. The perks come in from different brands and retailers that want to work with and promote with Influenster. Sometimes there discounts
on sites or products or they could be a free extra to you after you purchase the required item. Some of them that I have seen are those for a free 2 hour cleaning on top of what was purchase. Another one was 90% off a Premium Membership at OnePlay, then there are others like Club W where the first bottle of wine is free plus free shipping. No they do not last forever, sad I know. But they are ever changing and getting better.

The Hub
The Hub a collection of everything culture and popularity. From what the new trend is to how to survive the holidays. Even what to do with those Thanksgiving Leftover. It is always changing as with fashion and life. They even post a word of the day to help you expand your vocabulary. From there you can get super cute and fabulous outfit ideas, and then take a quiz on what nail color should be your new best friend. Plus, the hub is written by influensters' own bloggers and vloggers all around the US and I believe Canada too.

Influenster App
Now, the best thing and the what I had been waiting for it seems years is an application for my tablet or phone through Influenster. Finally it has happened! They announced the IStore app earlier this season and a few days ago I happen to come across the Android Market one. Which makes it easier for us to stay on top of what is needed for Brand Badge unlocking and also keep the product reviews at our finger tips from the people we should trust the most.

As you have read there are some great things going on throughout this site. I cannot pin point what is my favorite because it all is from filling out the questionnaire on possible voxes to getting one in the mail and unlocking all sorts of brand badges. You learn so much and spread so much information to those online and in your house. I say join now if your not a member already over at and if you are a member check out the new features and maybe learn a new thing or two. Also remember to share the love of influenster with those around you.

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