Saturday, November 30, 2013

Dr. Scholl's® For Her Cozy Cushions | Influenster

Dr. Scholl's For Her Cozy Cushions
$12.99 at most stores
CLICK HERE for $2 off

Now I usually just deal with my foot ware the way they come but I could not pass up the chance to test out these fuzzy little guys when Influenster sent me a set in the Rose Vox Box. They give just the right feel and texture that you actually feel cozy and warm in your toosties. Then all you will need is a comfy sweater and some hot chocolate.

I put mine in a pair of knit fashion boots (they kind of look like slippers in a way.) But I wear them EVERYWHERE and before if I did not have the right socks on my feet would freeze and being cold until I had the right heat or was home. However with these I can where
the thinnest material and there nice, or I can wear the thickest and there still comfortable. So if you feet are usually cold and achy during the winter/cold season give these a try you may just kiss them under the mistletoe. Haha.

This product was giving to me as a test item from for exchange of feedback and thoughts.


  1. Great review! I know myself as a fibro sufferer that these help cushion the walking.

  2. Love Cozy Cushions. I got some too!! Great for boots

  3. Awesome review! I need these in my life!

  4. Looks amazing! Might have to try it!

  5. So, These WILL work in flats/sandals, right? I tried the Dr. Scholl's high heel cushions in a pair of wedge sandals and they made my feet hurt WORSE!

    1. Becky, I have not tried them in flats or sandals I got them during the winter-ish time so I put them in my boots. So I cannot give you a hundred percent answer on that. I think with the flats it depends on the style if their ballet flats I have to say in my opinion no it would not work in those type of flats. Sandals I would be hesitant to because the insert is thicker then most and almost has this hair/fuzzy layer on the top and would collect much sand and dirt in an open shoe. I am sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with The inserts made for high heels i personally done wear anything with much of a heel over maybe a inch. Wish I could be more of help.
