Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Kid Dies By Haji Outlaw

The Kid Dies By Haji Outlaw

Price: $2.99
Length: 158 (estimated)

So this so was not what I expected when I was first was applying for this review. I had not read the product page or the Amazon synopsis. I was basically going off of the title. Expecting one thing the child dies but boy is there more to it then just the title.

From the moment I started I felt a bit torn because for one the language was vulgar and very present. Making me feel a bit awkward but as I read more it was completely understandable and I could see where it was coming from. As I read more about Freya and her back and forth mixed with Reese and his twist to the whole book I just could not put it down.

With sex, murder, and a little supernatural twist this book would be a good book for many. Maybe not a young reader but those who do not mind a twist or more then one storyline at a time. This easily can and could be a bew favorite.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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