Monday, April 28, 2014

Crest Pro-Health Tartar Protection Mouthwash| Influenster

Crest Pro-Health Tartar Protection Mouthwash
Avaliable at Target Stores
(Click above for links to the website pages)

I was given this product from to test and answer some questions about. When I first tried this line I was in love with it so when I was able to test more of the line I was not going to pass it up. Also with testing out Crests other Pro-Health items I was hoping that they would not have changed much. Boy was I lucky in that. Their mouth wash or rinse as they call it seems to be just the right mint power it doesn't burn like other brands and it does not have that taste that makes you want to re-brush your teeth.

I do have a problem with the directions only because I have never known anyone to really read them and do as they say including myself. Because all in all we learn from our parents or those around us. Unless your really one to get all ready brush your teeth then eat, but most I know will eat and then brush before they leave the house. I would say maybe use it as a little rinse after eating and before you leave the house. To give the rinse the ride or walk time to work its magic.

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