Friday, July 5, 2013


Today I noticed we are heading in that time of the year where the stores are getting rid of the
winter items at clearance prices. I was at Walmart yesterday and I swear they had racks of clothing in the front and some in the sections piled with clothing. Mine you this would be in my local area of Michigan but still, I would keep an eye open to your stores, because with us heading in the to second half of the year stores are wanting to bring in the items to sell for Christmas. Yes, I know that we still have 6 months or so until Christmas but people usually are purchasing now. Especially if your child is that stage of growing out of everything faster then they are wearing it, its good to check out the racks where getting an outfit maybe a size or more bigger for $3 to $5 can never hurt.

Or maybe school staples like underwear and socks for those who may not know the school uniform codes in your area. Even pajamas can be found for cheap. I guess I said all that to say this check out the stores even if you go in and find one thing on sale or thousands of items its better then not needing and having it then, needing and not having it.


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