Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hi Hey Hello

Welcome to my world of reviews. It started off on Tumblr under a different title and name, but all me. I have been going by Cy online for a few years now on social sites and such. I am just an average person who ended up having some free time on her hands and decided to look for freebies and free samples of everyday and sometime not so everyday products. After having to review some items for different sites, that will be listed within each review I do,  and friends asking me where I got them from or how I obtained something that they wanted. I decided to make a group on Facebook and share what I find on there. I have to admit the last few months I have not really added anything to it because of the changes with Facebook making it a bit harder for me to follow some of the pages that would help me. I am trying to pick it up again in this coming year.

The Reviews that I plan on doing are those of all categories (ei: Drinks, Household, Beauty, and DIY). I want to be able to cover things that some people have no ideas about while others may know more then me and if you do go a head and comment and I will be happy to add it along with my thoughts (giving you your credit to). I am not here to become this famous everyone know that blog person I am here to help those who just want to know there is someone out there just as curious, just as scattered brained as you and what I at least truthfully thought about it.

I hope you enjoy this blog and if you want to follow it that is great and if you don't that is fine also.

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