by Growpetz
Price: $24.95
Length: 13 Feet
Weight: Up to 45 Pounds
I really enjoy using this leash. First, the colors are bright and outstanding so I know that people can see them and the dog while we are out walking or more. The leash is easy to use and I really like the locking ability especially when my pet decides to keep a pace with me and not further a head or behind.
However, within the first week of getting it I was having a problem were it locked and would not unlock for the longest of time. Finally, I do not know how it happen but it unlocked allowing me to be able to use it again.
Now saying that I would certainly say to keep a basic leash on hand for that reason and others. This one also gets tangled a lot with my dog being so close to the ground. But it leash cord is lightweight and only real weigh comes off of the lobster latch at where you connect your pet.
I did received the products above for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased thoughts and opinions.
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