Saturday, October 11, 2014

Super Bright Longest Lasting Glow Stick Bracelets by Super Bright

Super Bright Longest Lasting Glow Stick Bracelets 
Seller: Super Bright
Site: Amazon

Colors: Various
Amount Per Order: 100

I have always loved glow sticks and anything glow in the dark so when I opened up this festive 4th of July paper firecracker I was giddy like a school girl. Then it hit me my niece would want them all. So when she go home I gave her one on Wednesday and then on Thursday the next day while she was at school and as soon as I woke up I cracked one and started to see if it would last longer then the others I have had in the past.

9 AM is when I started, I placed it in a dark area that was visible and just kept my eye on it all day. As it got later and later I was shocked not only was it glowing but how bright it still was. By 9 PM I was only a way from bed myself and it still glowed and lite up the area it was by, mind you it was not super bright as if brand new but enough to be able to see around the room. Falling asleep and waking up around 4 AM the next day to find that it was no longer glowing.
So I know there are products that say longer then the average one or better then the others I have to say these are mind you out of 100 you may have one that is not the same or a dud in the tube. But most people I know atleast do not need them 12+ hours unless I guess the power is out during a gloomy day.

So I would recommend these to anyone who may need glow sticks for a party or just to have on hand during a storm, or for kids in the neighborhood. To purchase these Super Bright Longest Lasting Glow Stick Bracelets please use the CLICK HERE above. If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment below.

Photos are curiosity of and Super Bright Page or of my own sample product.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. That's awesome! My grandson would love this!

    1. My niece is crazy for these she is always asking for them and I keep telling her I am saving them for Halloween.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, that was my idea to do especially because I am out in the middle of no where and many people do not come out this way.

  3. I use to love these when I was younger. Great to carry on Halloween!

    1. I use to love them too and I do now but I know I do not feel the same excitement as I once did.
